Archives: Questions
As with many national dishes each cook has his own receipt of how to cook Beef Stroganoff. There are several versions of the history of the dish and all they go back to Earl Alexander Stroganov (1796-1891). During that time…
The best location to stay in Moscow
What could be the best location to stay in Moscow?
Accommodation types in Moscow
What are the main accommodation types in Moscow and do they have some specific features?
Cultural life in Russia developing?
During recent years the cultural life in Russia is getting more and more saturated. Theaters are often full, new movies appear regularly, concert hall appear and offer great programmes, to visit art exhibition has become a kind of a sport:…
Family Model in Russia
Russian model of family relations is nor very often discussed outside Russia. They are normally lightened only when something outrageous happens. In general family relations in Russia are supposed to be a bit archaic, a bit patriarchal and very much…
What is the most popular sport in Russia?
In this section questions about sports and sport life in Russia are welcomed. But to start with I would like to give a glimpse on Russian sports. What is the most popular sport in Russia?
Do Russians care about politics?
In this section the questions about Russian local politics are welcomed. But to start with I would like to give my opinion on general attitude of Russians towards politics, i.e. generally speaking: Do Russians care about politics?