Coronavirus quarantine in Moscow

Finally the situation came to a quarantine. It was obvious that we will hardly manage to avoid it, but still the feeling is unpleasant.

Initially the current week was announced by Putin as a period of days-off to be paid by employers. The decision is a bit controversial. On one hand, it helps most of people financially. On the other hand, it puts additional expenses on business which at the moment suffers a lot. Still, I generally support such a decision. It is clear that the period of quarantine measures will not be limited by one week only. And the employees will be having a chance to suffer financially in coming weeks as well.

On Sunday it was announced that quarantine measures, close to those imposed in Italy and France, are introduced as from Monday. It is prohibited to be out except on urgent need.

Actually not so much else to tell. At the moment streets in Moscow look close to the streets in Italy, Spain and a dozen of other countries.

The only difference is that after a long period of warm weather we again have frost and snow storm. So at the moment not so many people who want to be out. Somehow the weather assisted quarantine measures. But it is still unclear, how they are going to be supported by authorities in future.

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