Little by little we reached the final month of WINTER. Russian winter has become one of the symbols of our country. And normally Russian winter is really something to look at! Usually winter starts at mid October with first frosts and snows, and lasts till April. And, of course, frost and snow …

Normally between 5-20 degrees below zero. Well, at the beginning of winter it looks cold, but little by little you start to take it as normal.
But present winter is unique: the warmest winter ever! Practically all the time we are above zero with snow coming and melting. Somewhere in Europe the nature is accustomed to such weather and is waiting patiently for spring to come. But here the nature decides that spring is already here and it is high time to wake after winter. You can see the tree going to open in common Moscow yard.

I wonder, what is going to happen if winter still decides to come? Let’s hope not …
I wonder, if such winter is going to be common in future or if it is just a joke of nature?
I wonder, is it normal that most people here dislike warm winter and prefer heavy snows and frost? Is it a part of a national character?